Megan and Audrey seconds after birth. Photo supplied by Megan.
Our beautiful little girl, Audrey Mary arrived into our world on Sunday June 16 2019. I had a wonderful birth, it all happened quickly and I felt calm, confident and in control.
I have wanted to share my birth story with you all for weeks now but cuddles and mum life has kept me wonderfully busy. I also don’t want to forget how exciting and wonderful labour was as well as how great I felt.
I had a nice relaxing Saturday with a friend and had just celebrating my birthday on the Friday night with my family in St Arnaud. Saturday 6pm I started feeling some surges/tightening’s that were stronger than what I had felt during the day and I thought, “gee is this it?” “am I going into labour?” I started putting the last minute things in my hospital bag - fresh fruit, my pjs, phone charger etc! I sat down and had a cup-a soup; I thought I should probably eat something (worse idea ever as I actually suffered more from the soup reflux than labour and asked for reflux meds haha). After my soup I read aloud my birthing affirmations and visualized my birthing muscles and baby. I studied exercise physiology so understood the anatomy of my body and the link between stress, anxiety and pain. With this understanding and from what I had learnt from the hypno birthing classes I felt confident in my strength, knowledge and ability to birth my baby.
Nick was working (hospitality business) so I messaged him at 8pm to say don’t rush your pack down but don’t go out as we will be going to the hospital tonight!
The surges ramped up pretty quickly and by 830pm they were every 3mins lasting 40-60secs. They were uncomfortable but I was able to breathe through the surges and chose positions, long shower etc to help me relax. In between surges I would run to the tumble drier, dishwasher and hospital bag – I was totally nesting and getting the house sorted for our baby! Despite what was happening I was in denial that I was going into labour and would never have believed that we would be meeting our baby so soon. Things were happening quickly, but I ensured I kept myself calm and in control. I had called the hospital twice to get some reassurance and guidance on when to come in and they had said ‘being your first if you are comfortable stay at home for as long as you can’. I was comfortable I thought, but I still wasn’t sure when I should be going to hospital. When Nick arrived home after 10pm I was forward facing on the toilet as all I wanted to do was a massive poo!! Haha. About 30mins later I started getting push surges, so I thought it was time to get to the hospital or I will be having the baby at home! Looking back I probably should have gone much earlier but up until the push surges I was relativity comfortable and happy at home J.
We arrived at Bendigo Health around 1130pm. Sitting in the car and walking wasn’t comfortable, but I managed to tell the security guard while holding on during a surge in the underground carpark to “let us in!! I’m having a baby, level 3!” and then waddled into the lift and up the corridor to the women’s clinic. I was greeted by some midwives who I had not met before and was shown into a birthing suite. I didn’t really know what was going to happen next, but I was slightly confident that our baby wouldn’t be too far away. It was nice to get to the
hospital as it meant I wouldn’t have to move again but I didn’t feel relieved by the midwives support as I was confident I could birth my baby on my own.
I was asked a few questions and the midwife ran a few tests such as BP, CTG etc. I was offered the gas pretty quickly which I declined, as I wanted to be in control and didn’t want the risk feeling of unwell. I wasn’t really interested in tests or talking - I just wanted to do my poo! Haha! My membranes ruptured while I was lying down on the bed and the surges continued. I likened each surge to being upside down on a roller coaster! You had to breathe and hold on during each surge then it would pass and you could relax until the next upside down bit/surge. Each surge would peak quickly and was uncomfortable, but I knew it would drop off and I would be ok. I announced to the room the baby is coming (which was obvious) but I don’t think anyone believed me that baby would be here so soon. Once I was examined I was told I was 9cm. I was sick with relief and felt so happy and proud that I had managed on my own. Our Mamta midwife was called and arrived soon after. Anna was so helpful and supportive and suggested I stand at the side of the bed as opposed to side lying. Seconds after I stood up I got another push surge and I felt our baby’s head move down and pop out. Straight away I heard a loud babies cry and I was just so amazed and happy. I took some more deep breaths and waited for the next push surge to come. Anna asked Nick if he wanted to help so with Anna’s guidance Nick was able to guide our daughter as she twisted and slid out. I heard a louder cry then and I thought ‘wow I have done it! I couldn’t believe I had just had a baby!! Nick was so proud and happy to tell me ‘it’s a little girl!’ and I cried out in happiness and love. My baby girl was passed to me and I looked at her in admiration. She felt so warm, soft and cuddly and my heart exploded. She was calm and looked up at me through squinting little eyes. I smiled and said ‘hello beautiful girl I am your mum’. I had the biggest smile on my face. She was perfect. Tiny ears, nose, lips and fingers. I looked at her with amazement as she snuggled into my arms, breasts and tummy. I felt wonderful – so powerful, proud and in love.
I am so thankful we completed the HypnoBirthing classes with Corinne. Nick and I were able to implement so many strategies before & during labour and had the knowledge, confidence and support to have the birth we wished for. The classes were also great conversation starters for Nick and I to plan and prepare for the birth of our baby; as well as becoming parents. During labour I had my relaxation music for labour playing in the background and would go to sleep each night with my daily rainbow relaxation practice music. I definitely believe this music and positive affirmations kept me calm, happy and relaxed during pregnancy and confident going into labour. As Audrey was being birthed it just felt like pressure, no pain, just pressure.
Us women are just so amazing – wishing you all a wonderful and beautiful birth x