Do you desire to have a wonderful calm birth or experience peace and joy after your baby is born?
Are you unsure how to achieve your desires or goals for birthing and parenting?
I am here to support, nurture and guide you in a judgement free way so that you can achieve your goals and feel confident and supported.
Click here to find out about my FREE POSTNATAL PLANNING WORKSHOPS.
About Intuitive Birthing
Intuitive Birthing was born in 2012 from a deep desire to serve women through their journey from pregnancy and into motherhood. I wish to provide them with nurturing support, confidence and encouragement to have the birthing and parenting experience they deeply desire.
My life's work is to support mothers who are feeling overwhelmed and anxious, by providing a range of holistic support including private in-home visits, group work and meditation for physical and mental health. I help you simplify your pregnancy and post-natal with a range of physical and practical support, freeing you up to be the mother you wish to be.
About Corinne Cinatl
Hi there, I'm Corinne, birther and nurturer of mothers and babies, lover of gin, books, knitting and science. My dream is for every mother to feel as loved, nurtured, supported and nourished as her baby.
I have been a HypnoBirthing practitioner since 2011, and have more recently expanded my practice and knowledge in completing postnatal doula training.
After doing HypnoBirthing as a first time pregnant mother and having the most incredible birth, I knew it was absolutely essential for me to share HypnoBirthing with others. And so Intuitive Birthing was born. Despite my beautiful birth experience that I had prepared for with countless hours of lovely HypnoBirthing, I was completely underprepared for the postnatal period.
Unprepared for the demands of nurturing a newborn and filled with doubt, I S.T.R.U.G.G.L.E.D! I felt alone. I felt overwhelmed. I felt judged and confused. I didn't know how to ask for help or that help could come without judgement. I was unable to articulate my needs and my life felt like i'd been left in another country unable to speak the local language.
With this experience of absolute isolation and confusion, hindsight has given me the understanding that I was one of many mothers to feel this way. I want you to feel prepared. Confident. Nurtured. Supported. Safe. I want you to feel encouraged to invest in your self care.